Collections Global Biodata Coalition - Global Core Biodata Resources

The Global Biodata Coalition released a curated list of 37 life sciences databases in December 2022 that they consider as having significant importance (see criteria here). While it's not a primary goal of the Bioregistry to cover life science databases (other resources like Wikidata and FAIRsharing already do an excellent job of this), many notable databases induce one or more semantic spaces that are relevant for curation and prefix assignment in the Bioregistry. Therefore, a large number of the resources in this list correspond 1-to-1 with prefixes in the Bioregistry, a small number (e.g., Orphanet, CIViC, PharmGKB) correspond to multiple prefixes, some have a complicated relationship with many-to-1 relationships to prefixes (DNA Data Bank of Japan, European Nucleotide Archive), and some constitute databases that simply reuse other key vocabularies (e.g., STRING reuses UniProt, GWAS Catalog reuses dbSNP and EFO). Among the databases that don't induce semantic spaces or have simple relationships to prefixes are:

Charles Tapley Hoyt
Resources (48)