Registry Semantic Web for Earth and Environment Technology Ontology

The Semantic Web for Earth and Environmental Terminology is a mature foundational ontology that contains over 6000 concepts organized in 200 ontologies represented in OWL. Top level concepts include Representation (math, space, science, time, data), Realm (Ocean, Land Surface, Terrestrial Hydroshere, Atmosphere, etc.), Phenomena (macro-scale ecological and physical), Processes (micro-scale physical, biological, chemical, and mathematical), Human Activities (Decision, Commerce, Jurisdiction, Environmental, Research).

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Pattern for Local Unique Identifiers
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Metaregistry Semantic Web for Earth and Environment Technology Ontology

The metaregistry provides mappings between the Bioregistry and other registries. There are 1 mappings to external registries for this resource with 1 unique external prefixes.

Registry Name Registry Metaprefix External Prefix Curate
BioPortal BioPortal Prefixes logo bioportal SWEET

A provider turns a local unique identifiers from a resource into a URI. Many providers are also resolvable as URLs (i.e., they can be used in a web browser).

The local unique identifier ANOVA is used to demonstrate the providers available for Semantic Web for Earth and Environment Technology Ontology. Some providers may use a different example, which is displayed in the table below. A guide for curating additional providers can be found here.

Name Metaprefix URI
Semantic Web for Earth and Environment Technology Ontology sweetrealm
Bioregistry bioregistry