This system submits an implementation plan to the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare for clinical research conducted at medical institutions, etc. based on the provisions of the 'Clinical Research Act' and the 'Act on Ensuring Safety of Regenerative Medicine, etc.' It is a system for performing notification procedures such as In addition, based on the clinical research practice standards stipulated in the same law, we disclose information that the World Health Organization (WHO) requires to be disclosed, information that ensures the transparency of the research process, and information that contributes to the selection of participation in clinical research by the public. (translated from website)

Missing Contact
Pattern for Local Unique Identifiers

Local identifiers in Japan Registry of Clinical Trials should match this regular expression:

Example Local Unique Identifier
jRCTs041220087   Resolve
Pattern for CURIES

Compact URIs (CURIEs) constructed from Japan Registry of Clinical Trials should match this regular expression:

Example CURIE

A summary of the relations in the Bioregistry schema can be found here.

In Collection
Clinical Trial Registries

A provider turns a local unique identifiers from a resource into a URI. Many providers are also resolvable as URLs (i.e., they can be used in a web browser).

The local unique identifier jRCTs041220087 is used to demonstrate the providers available for Japan Registry of Clinical Trials. Some providers may use a different example, which is displayed in the table below. A guide for curating additional providers can be found here.

Name Metaprefix URI
Japan Registry of Clinical Trials jrct
Bioregistry bioregistry
Extra Providers

Additional providers curated in the Bioregistry are listed here. These are typically inherited from or Prefix Commons, and need extra curation.

Code Name URL