ProbOnto, is an ontology-based knowledge base of probability distributions, featuring uni- and multivariate distributions with their defining functions, characteristics, relationships and reparameterisation formulae. It can be used for annotation of models, facilitating the encoding of distribution-based models, related functions and quantities.

computational biology mathematics statistics systems biology
Homepage Repository RDF
Pierre Grenon   0000-0003-4614-562X   pgrenon
Pattern for Local Unique Identifiers

Local identifiers in Probability Distribution Ontology should match this regular expression:

Example Local Unique Identifiers
c0000005   Resolve
k0001285   Resolve
Pattern for CURIES

Compact URIs (CURIEs) constructed from Probability Distribution Ontology should match this regular expression:

Example CURIEs
Namespace Embedded in LUI
This resource has been annotated by the Bioregistry as having a potential namespace embedded in LUI. This means that you may see local unique identifiers that include a redundant prefix and delimiter (also known as a banana) and therefore look like a CURIE. For , the banana looks like PROB_. Therefore, you may see local unique identifiers for this resource that look like PROB_c0000005 (instead of the canonical form c0000005) and CURIEs for this resource that look like probonto:PROB_c0000005 (instead of the canonical form probonto:c0000005). The Bioregistry will automatically strip off the banana when standardizing local unique identifiers and CURIEs.
2016 ProbOnto: ontology and knowledge base of probability distributions
Metaregistry Probability Distribution Ontology

The metaregistry provides mappings between the Bioregistry and other registries. There are 5 mappings to external registries for this resource with 2 unique external prefixes.

Registry Name Registry Metaprefix External Prefix Curate
BioContext biocontext PROBONTO
FAIRSharing FAIRSharing logo fairsharing FAIRsharing.8zqzm9 logo miriam probonto
N2T Name-to-Thing logo n2t probonto
OLS Ontology Lookup Service logo ols probonto

A provider turns a local unique identifiers from a resource into a URI. Many providers are also resolvable as URLs (i.e., they can be used in a web browser).

The local unique identifier c0000005 is used to demonstrate the providers available for Probability Distribution Ontology. Some providers may use a different example, which is displayed in the table below. A guide for curating additional providers can be found here.

Name Metaprefix URI
Probability Distribution Ontology probonto
Bioregistry bioregistry miriam
Name-to-Thing n2t