LCCN Permalinks are persistent URLs for bibliographic records in the LC Catalog and authority records in LC Authorities. These links are constructed using the record's LCCN (or Library of Congress Control Number), an identifier assigned by the Library of Congress to bibliographic and authority records. LCCN Permalinks are also available for citation records in the Handbook for Latin American Studies (HLAS). [from homepage]
Local identifiers in Library of Congress Control Number should match this
regular expression:
Compact URIs (CURIEs) constructed from Library of Congress Control Number should match
this regular expression:
A provider turns a local unique identifiers from a resource into a URI. Many providers are also resolvable as URLs (i.e., they can be used in a web browser).
The local unique identifier 2011488555
is used to demonstrate the providers
available for Library of Congress Control Number. Some providers may use a different example, which is displayed in the table below.
A guide for curating additional providers can be found
Name | Metaprefix | URI |
Library of Congress Control Number | lccn | |
Bioregistry | bioregistry | |