The Intelligence Task Ontology (ITO) provides a comprehensive map of machine intelligence tasks, as well as broader human intelligence or hybrid human/machine intelligence tasks.

artificial intelligence machine learning natural language processing ontology
Homepage Repository OWL
Matthias Samwald   0000-0002-4855-2571
Pattern for Local Unique Identifiers

Local identifiers in Intelligence Task Ontology should match this regular expression:

Example Local Unique Identifier
01625   Resolve
Pattern for CURIES

Compact URIs (CURIEs) constructed from Intelligence Task Ontology should match this regular expression:

Example CURIE
Namespace Embedded in LUI
This resource has been annotated by the Bioregistry as having a potential namespace embedded in LUI. This means that you may see local unique identifiers that include a redundant prefix and delimiter (also known as a banana) and therefore look like a CURIE. For Intelligence Task Ontology, the banana looks like ITO_. Therefore, you may see local unique identifiers for this resource that look like ITO_01625 (instead of the canonical form 01625) and CURIEs for this resource that look like ito:ITO_01625 (instead of the canonical form ito:01625). The Bioregistry will automatically strip off the banana when standardizing local unique identifiers and CURIEs.
Metaregistry Intelligence Task Ontology

The metaregistry provides mappings between the Bioregistry and other registries. There are 4 mappings to external registries for this resource with 2 unique external prefixes.

Registry Name Registry Metaprefix External Prefix Curate
AberOWL AberOWL logo aberowl ITO
BioPortal BioPortal Prefixes logo bioportal ITO
FAIRSharing FAIRSharing logo fairsharing FAIRsharing.89e853 logo miriam ito

Providers are various services that resolve CURIEs to URLs. The example CURIE ito:01625 is used to demonstrate the provides available for this resource. Generation of OLS and BioPortal URLs requires additional programmatic logic beyond string formatting.

Name Metaprefix URI
Intelligence Task Ontology ito
Bioregistry bioregistry miriam