Welcome to the web site of the Handle.Net Registry (HNR), run by Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI). CNRI is a Multi-Primary Administrator (MPA) of the Global Handle Registry (GHR), authorized by the DONA Foundation to allot prefixes to users of the Handle System. The DONA Foundation is a non-profit organization based in Geneva that has taken over responsibility for the evolution of CNRI's Digital Object (DO) Architecture including outreach around the world. One of the Foundation's responsibilities is to administer and maintain the overall operation of the GHR, a task that was previously performed by CNRI. (from website)

Alternative Prefixes
centrally registered identifier omics subject agnostic
Missing Contact
Pattern for Local Unique Identifiers

Local identifiers in Handle should match this regular expression:

Example Local Unique Identifiers
2381/12775   Resolve
391/00-0000-0000-0009-3C7E-F   Resolve
Pattern for CURIES

Compact URIs (CURIEs) constructed from Handle should match this regular expression:

Example CURIEs
Metaregistry Handle

The metaregistry provides mappings between the Bioregistry and other registries. There are 1 mappings to external registries for this resource with 1 unique external prefixes.

Registry Name Registry Metaprefix External Prefix Curate
FAIRSharing FAIRSharing logo fairsharing FAIRsharing.0b7e54

A provider turns a local unique identifiers from a resource into a URI. Many providers are also resolvable as URLs (i.e., they can be used in a web browser).

The local unique identifier 2381/12775 is used to demonstrate the providers available for Handle. Some providers may use a different example, which is displayed in the table below. A guide for curating additional providers can be found here.

Name Metaprefix URI
Handle hdl http://hdl.handle.net/2381/12775
Bioregistry bioregistry https://bioregistry.io/hdl:2381/12775