DailyMed provides information about marketed drugs. This information includes FDA labels (package inserts). The Web site provides a standard, comprehensive, up-to-date, look-up and download resource of medication content and labeling as found in medication package inserts. Drug labeling is the most recent submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and currently in use; it may include, for example, strengthened warnings undergoing FDA review or minor editorial changes. These labels have been reformatted to make them easier to read.

Missing Contact
Pattern for Local Unique Identifiers

Local identifiers in DailyMed should match this regular expression:

Example Local Unique Identifier
973a9333-fec7-46dd-8eb5-25738f06ee54   Resolve
Pattern for CURIES

Compact URIs (CURIEs) constructed from DailyMed should match this regular expression:

Example CURIE
Metaregistry DailyMed

The metaregistry provides mappings between the Bioregistry and other registries. There are 4 mappings to external registries for this resource with 1 unique external prefixes.

Registry Name Registry Metaprefix External Prefix Curate
BioContext biocontext DAILYMED
Identifiers.org Identifiers.org logo miriam dailymed
N2T Name-to-Thing logo n2t dailymed
Prefix Commons Prefix Commons logo prefixcommons dailymed

A provider turns a local unique identifiers from a resource into a URI. Many providers are also resolvable as URLs (i.e., they can be used in a web browser).

The local unique identifier 973a9333-fec7-46dd-8eb5-25738f06ee54 is used to demonstrate the providers available for DailyMed. Some providers may use a different example, which is displayed in the table below. A guide for curating additional providers can be found here.

Name Metaprefix URI
DailyMed dailymed https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/drugInfo.cfm?setid=973a9333-fec7-46dd-8eb5-25738f06ee54
Bioregistry bioregistry https://bioregistry.io/dailymed:973a9333-fec7-46dd-8eb5-25738f06ee54
Identifiers.org miriam https://identifiers.org/dailymed:973a9333-fec7-46dd-8eb5-25738f06ee54
Name-to-Thing n2t https://n2t.net/dailymed:973a9333-fec7-46dd-8eb5-25738f06ee54
Extra Providers

Additional providers curated in the Bioregistry are listed here. These are typically inherited from Identifiers.org or Prefix Commons, and need extra curation.

Code Name URL
bio2rdf Bio2RDF http://bio2rdf.org/dailymed:973a9333-fec7-46dd-8eb5-25738f06ee54