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Collagen Type IV MeSH Descriptor Data 2025

MeSH Heading
Collagen Type IV
Tree Number(s)
Unique ID
RDF Unique Identifier
precursors: coord IM with PROCOLLAGEN (IM)
Scope Note
A non-fibrillar collagen found in the structure of BASEMENT MEMBRANE. Collagen type IV molecules assemble to form a sheet-like network which is involved in maintaining the structural integrity of basement membranes. The predominant form of the protein is comprised of two alpha1(IV) subunits and one alpha2(IV) subunit, however, at least six different alpha subunits can be incorporated into the heterotrimer.
Entry Term(s)
7S Collagen
Collagen Type IV, alpha1 Chain
Collagen Type IV, alpha1 Subunit
Collagen Type IV, alpha2 Chain
Collagen Type IV, alpha2 Subunit
Collagen alpha1(IV)
Procollagen Type IV
Type IV (Basement Membrane) Collagen
Type IV Collagen
Type IV Procollagen
alpha1(IV) collagen
Registry Numbers
Previous Indexing
Collagen (1978-2001)
See Also
Public MeSH Note
2002; see COLLAGEN 1990-2001; for PROCOLLAGEN TYPE IV see PROCOLLAGEN 1982-2001; for 7S COLLAGEN see COLLAGEN 1982-2001
History Note
2002; use COLLAGEN 1990-2001; for PROCOLLAGEN TYPE IV use PROCOLLAGEN 1982-2001; for 7S COLLAGEN use COLLAGEN 1982-2001
Date Established
Date of Entry
Revision Date
Collagen Type IV Preferred
7S Collagen Narrower
Procollagen Type IV Narrower
Collagen Type IV, alpha1 Subunit Narrower
Collagen Type IV, alpha2 Subunit Narrower
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