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Symbol report for C21orf58

Placeholder symbol

HGNC data for C21orf58

Approved symbol
Approved name

chromosome 21 open reading frame 58

Locus type
gene with protein product
Symbol status
Chromosomal location
Bos taurus
C1H21orf58 VGNC:52662 VGNC
Canis familiaris
C31H21orf58 VGNC:53022 VGNC
Equus caballus
C26H21orf58 VGNC:52327 VGNC
Felis catus
CC2H21orf58 VGNC:102612 VGNC
Macaca mulatta
C3H21orf58 VGNC:80801 VGNC
Mus musculus
2610028H24Rik MGI:1924214 Curated
Pan troglodytes
C21H21orf58 VGNC:3735 VGNC
Rattus norvegicus
C20h21orf58 RGD:1564149