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Symbol report for KLRC3

HGNC data for KLRC3

Approved symbol
Approved name

killer cell lectin like receptor C3

Locus type
gene with protein product
Symbol status
Previous names
killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily C, member 3
Alias symbols
Chromosomal location
Alliance of Genome Resources
Mus musculus
Klrc3 MGI:1929720 Curated
Rattus norvegicus
Klrc3 RGD:1560637
Characterization of large-scale genomic differences in the first complete human genome.
Yang X et al. Genome Biol 2023 Jul;24(1)157
Yang X, Wang X, Zou Y, Zhang S, Xia M, Fu L, Vollger MR, Chen NC, Taylor DJ, Harvey WT, Logsdon GA, Meng D, Shi J, McCoy RC, Schatz MC, Li W, Eichler EE, Lu Q, Mao Y.
Genome Biol 2023 Jul;24(1)157
Abstract: <h4>Background</h4>The first telomere-to-telomere (T2T) human genome assembly (T2T-CHM13) release is a milestone in human genomics. The T2T-CHM13 genome assembly extends our understanding of telomeres, centromeres, segmental duplication, and other complex regions. The current human genome reference (GRCh38) has been widely used in various human genomic studies. However, the large-scale genomic differences between these two important genome assemblies are not characterized in detail yet.<h4>Results</h4>Here, in addition to the previously reported "non-syntenic" regions, we find 67 additional large-scale discrepant regions and precisely categorize them into four structural types with a newly developed website tool called SynPlotter. The discrepant regions (~ 21.6 Mbp) excluding telomeric and centromeric regions are highly structurally polymorphic in humans, where the deletions or duplications are likely associated with various human diseases, such as immune and neurodevelopmental disorders. The analyses of a newly identified discrepant region-the KLRC gene cluster-show that the depletion of KLRC2 by a single-deletion event is associated with natural killer cell differentiation in ~ 20% of humans. Meanwhile, the rapid amino acid replacements observed within KLRC3 are probably a result of natural selection in primate evolution.<h4>Conclusion</h4>Our study provides a foundation for understanding the large-scale structural genomic differences between the two crucial human reference genomes, and is thereby important for future human genomics studies.
Sequence analysis of a 62-kb region overlapping the human KLRC cluster of genes.
Plougastel B et al. Genomics 1998 Apr;49(2)193-199
Plougastel B, Trowsdale J.
Genomics 1998 Apr;49(2)193-199
Abstract: The NKG2 family of genes (HGMW-approved symbol KLRC) contains at least four members (NKG2-A, -C, -E, and -F) which are localized to human chromosome 12p12.3-p13.2. This region, called the natural killer (NK) complex, encodes for lectin-like genes preferentially expressed on NK cells. One of them, the human CD94 gene (HGMW-approved symbol KLRD1), encodes for a protein that has been shown to be covalently associated with the NKG2-A molecule. In this report, we showed that the NKG2 and CD94 genes are localized in a small region (< 350 kb) and we mapped them in the following order: (NKG2-C/NKG2-A)/NKG2-E/NKG2-F/NKG2-D/CD 94. Sequence analysis of 62 kb spanning the NKG2-A, -E, -F, and -D loci allowed the identification of two LINE elements that could have been involved in the duplication of the NKG2 genes. Presence of one MIR and one L1ME2 element at homologous positions in the NKG2-A and NKG2-F genes is consistent with the existence of rodent NKG2 gene(s). Finally, we mapped the 5'-ends of the NKG2-A transcripts into two separate regions showing the existence of two separate transcriptional control regions upstream of the NKG2-A locus and defining putative promoter elements for these genes.