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Symbol report for S100Z

HGNC data for S100Z

Approved symbol
Approved name

S100 calcium binding protein Z

Locus type
gene with protein product
Symbol status
Previous names
S100 calcium binding protein, zeta
Alias symbols
Chromosomal location
Bos taurus
S100Z VGNC:34251 VGNC
Equus caballus
S100Z VGNC:22659 VGNC
Felis catus
S100Z VGNC:102311 VGNC
Mus musculus
S100z MGI:2685471 Curated
Pan troglodytes
S100Z VGNC:4154 VGNC
Rattus norvegicus
S100z RGD:1562902
Sus scrofa
S100Z VGNC:92550 VGNC
Molecular characterization and tissue distribution of a novel member of the S100 family of EF-hand proteins.
Gribenko AV et al. Biochemistry 2001 Dec;40(51)15538-15548
Gribenko AV, Hopper JE, Makhatadze GI.
Biochemistry 2001 Dec;40(51)15538-15548
Abstract: We have isolated from a human prostate cDNA library a cDNA encoding a novel member of the S100 family of EF-hand proteins. The encoded 99-amino acid protein, designated S100Z, is capable of interacting with another member of the family, S100P. S100Z cDNA was cloned into a bacterial expression system, and the S100Z protein was purified to homogeneity from bacterial lysates by a combination of hydrophobic column and gel-filtration chromatography. Direct amino acid sequencing of the 20 N-terminal amino acids confirmed that the sequence of the recombinant protein is identical to the sequence deduced from the cDNA. Low-resolution structural data have been obtained using circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopies, and equilibrium analytical centrifugation. These results show that S100Z is a dimeric, predominantly alpha-helical protein. Addition of calcium to a solution of S100Z changes the fluorescence intensity of the protein, indicating that S100Z is capable of binding calcium ions. Analysis of the calcium-binding isotherm indicates the existence of two calcium-binding sites with apparent affinities on the order of 5 x 10(6) and 10(2) M(-1). Binding of calcium results in conformational changes and exposure of hydrophobic surfaces on the protein. Using a PCR-based assay, we have detected differences in the expression level of S100Z mRNA in various tissues. The highest levels were found in spleen and leukocytes. S100Z gene expression appears to be deregulated in some tumor tissues, compared to expression in their normal counterparts.