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Symbol report for IFT22

HGNC data for IFT22

Approved symbol
Approved name

intraflagellar transport 22

Locus type
gene with protein product
Symbol status
Previous symbols
Previous names
RAB, member RAS oncogene family-like 5
intraflagellar transport 22 homolog (Chlamydomonas)
Alias symbols
Chromosomal location
Bos taurus
Canis familiaris
Equus caballus
Felis catus
Macaca mulatta
Mus musculus
Ift22 MGI:1914536 Curated
Pan troglodytes
Rattus norvegicus
Ift22 RGD:1305370
The RABL5 homolog IFT22 regulates the cellular pool size and the amount of IFT particles partitioned to the flagellar compartment in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
Silva DA et al. Cytoskeleton (Hoboken) 2012 Jan;69(1)33-48
Silva DA, Huang X, Behal RH, Cole DG, Qin H.
Cytoskeleton (Hoboken) 2012 Jan;69(1)33-48
Abstract: Cilia and flagella, sensory and motile structures protruding from the cell body, rely on the continuous bidirectional traffic of intraflagellar transport (IFT) particles to ferry flagellar precursors into flagella for assembly. Cells synthesize a large pool of IFT particle proteins in the cell body, but only a small portion engages in active transport within the flagella at any given time. The atypical small G protein Rab-like 5 (RABL5) has been shown to move in an IFT-like manner in the flagella, but its function in ciliogenesis is controversial. In this report, we demonstrate that IFT22, the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii homolog of RABL5, is a bona fide IFT particle complex B subunit. Although the amount of IFT22 remains unaffected by depletion of either complex A or B, depletion of IFT22 leads to a smaller pool of both complex A and B. Strikingly, the smaller cellular pool of IFT particles does not lead to a reduced distribution of IFT particles to flagella. Instead, the amount of IFT particle proteins, including IFT22 itself, increase in the flagella. Moreover, cells over-expressing IFT22 also accumulate IFT particles in their flagella. Taken together, these data indicate that, in C. reinhardtii, IFT22 controls the cellular levels of both complex A and B, thus plays a critical role in determining the cellular availability of IFT particles. In addition, although IFT22 may not directly carry any precursors for flagellar assembly, it controls how many IFT particles participate in ferrying precursors into flagella.
A novel function for the atypical small G protein Rab-like 5 in the assembly of the trypanosome flagellum.
Adhiambo C et al. J Cell Sci 2009 Mar;122(Pt 6)834-841
Adhiambo C, Blisnick T, Toutirais G, Delannoy E, Bastin P.
J Cell Sci 2009 Mar;122(Pt 6)834-841
Abstract: The atypical small G protein Rab-like 5 has been shown to traffic in sensory cilia of Caenorhabditis elegans, where it participates in signalling processes but not in cilia construction. In this report, we demonstrate that RABL5 colocalises with intraflagellar transport (IFT) proteins at the basal body and in the flagellum matrix of the protist Trypanosoma brucei. RABL5 fused to GFP exhibits anterograde movement in the flagellum of live trypanosomes, suggesting it could be associated with IFT. Accordingly, RABL5 accumulates in the short flagella of the retrograde IFT140(RNAi) mutant and is restricted to the basal body region in the IFT88(RNAi) anterograde mutant, a behaviour that is identical to other IFT proteins. Strikingly, RNAi silencing reveals an essential role for RABL5 in trypanosome flagellum construction. RNAi knock-down produces a phenotype similar to inactivation of retrograde IFT with formation of short flagella that are filled with a high amount of IFT proteins. These data reveal for the first time a functional difference for a conserved flagellar matrix protein between two different ciliated species and raise questions related to cilia diversity.